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Serving the Entire Santa Ana Area Since 1974
When the thought of recycling aluminum comes to mind, soda cans are typically the first thing that will pop into someone's head. Thanks to the CRV program in California, consumers can obtain reimbursement when they return cans and recycle the materials. Even though those cans are the most common thing, scrap metal companies will buy back all types of aluminum.
If you want to clean up your house or make a little extra cash, learn how aluminum recycling can help get the job done. There are a lot of recyclable material options you can find right in your home. Follow this guide to get started.
Larger Cans & Buckets
Soda cans are not the only type of aluminum can you can exchange for cash. Look in your garage, shed, and other storage areas for large aluminum cans like metal trash cans or buckets. Some gardening cans are also great sources of aluminum. If you do find a large aluminum can, then the can is ideal for collecting other pieces of aluminum.
Once you fill the can completely, you have the opportunity to bring the whole thing to a scrap metal yard and collect some extra money. Consider using a large aluminum trash can to hold all of your soda cans as well. It makes the collection process easier and more organized.
Bike Frames
Aluminum bike frames add a lightweight design to a bike while still offering support and durability. If you have any old bikes lying around, take off the extra parts and bring the frame to a scrap yard. Some bike rims may also include aluminum and give you extra options. The more you break down the bike components, the easier the scrap metal process will go.
Car Rims
Not only are bike rims made with aluminum, but many car tire rims are as well. Check a garage to see if you have any aluminum rims laying around. You may have had spares you no longer need or rims that you took off an old car. A whole set of rims can add up to help make you some extra cash and provide proper recycling in the process.
Pots & Pans
Over the years, you may accumulate a lot of extra cookware. Look through cabinets and kitchen shelves to see what kind of pots, pans, and cookie sheets you no longer need for your kitchen. Even if they are overcooked or worn down, a scrap metal yard will likely accept the pieces.
If you are unsure if specific pots and pans are crafted with aluminum, check the bottom of the pan. If the material is not listed, then you could look up the manufacturer. If you are still unsure, a scrap metal company can help determine the exact metal and full value of the pans.
Outdoor Recreation
Do a walk-through of your backyard area, along with any sheds or backyard storage to see some of the potential aluminum you may have. For example, if your child has outgrown backyard toys, then consider aluminum slides or other toys for recycling. The side panels of an aboveground pool often prove to be a good source of aluminum. The metal does not rust and holds water well.
If you plan to remove or replace your aboveground pool, then you could break down and recycle all of the extra panels. An aboveground pool is an easy way to collect a lot of aluminum and the pieces should not be just thrown into a regular landfill.
For information on scrap metal recycling and aluminum prices, contact us at
Bruce Metal & Salvage. We will answer any questions you have and make sure your scrap metal experience goes smoothly.